Aphrahat (ca. first half of 4th cent.) is the author of 23 "Demonstrations" and is commonly referred to as "The Persian Sage". The manuscript tradition has also transmitted his works under the name of Jacob. Not much is known about the life of this writer, but he was likely an ecclesiastical leader writing from the Persian empire in the mid-4th century. His writings constitute one of the earliest collections of classical Syriac, preceding the Holy Mar Ephrem. 1 For more research on the corpus and writings of Aphrahat, see Brock's handout as well as the bibliographical search here.
Dr. Kristian Heal (BYU) has compiled an index of Scripture quotations from St. Ephrem, Aphrahat and the Liber Graduum. We are grateful to him for graciously making this invaluable resource available here: “Scripture Citations in the Works of Ephrem the Syrian”. 2018.2 ,
- “Aphrahat”, in A select library of Nicene and post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church : second series. Translated into English with prolegomena and explanatory notes, vol. 2, Oxford: James Parker & Company, 1898, pp. 345-412.
- [English translations of Demonstrations I, V, VI, VIII, X, XVII, XXI, XXII]
- Aphraatis Sapientis Persae Demonstrationes, vol. 1. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1894. ,
- Aphraatis Sapientis Persae Demonstrationes, vol. 2. Paris: Firmin-Didot et socii, 1907. ,
- The Homilies of Aphraates, the Persian Sage. London: Williams and Norgate, 1869. ,
The English titles in the sections below were taken from The Demonstrations of Aphrahat the Persian Sage, vol. 27. Piscataway: Gorgias, 2010. The Entries below will contain the English title, the Latin title from Parisot, links to the Syriac texts of Parisot and Wright, and links to the selected English translations of Gwynn.
The Demonstrations
- Introduction (Parisot) (Wright)
- A Request for Instruction
- Epistola Interrogatoris
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright) (ET)
- 1. On Faith
- De Fide
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright) (ET)
- 2. On Love
- De Caritate
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright)
- 3. On Fasting
- De Ieiunio
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright)
- 4. On Prayer
- De Oratione
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright)
- 5. On War
- De Bellis
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright) (ET)
- 6. On Covenanters
- De Monachis
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright) (ET)
- 7. On the Penitent
- De Paenitentibus
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright)
- 8. On the Dead Coming to Life
- De Resurrectione Mortuorum
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright) (ET)
- 9. On Humility
- De Humilitate
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright)
- 10. On Shepherds
- De Pastoribus
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright) (ET)
- 11. On Circumcision
- De Circumcisione
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright)
- 12. On the Passover Sacrifice
- De Paschate
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright)
- 13. On the Sabbath
- De Sabbato
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright)
- 14. An Argument in Response to Dissension
- Exhortatoria
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright)
- 15. On the Avoidance of Foods
- De Distinctione Ciborum
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright)
- 16. On the Peoples in Place of the People
- De Gentibus quae Loco Populi Suffectae Sunt
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright)
- 17. On Christ, who is the Son of God
- De Christo Dei Filio
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright) (ET)
- 18. Against the Jews, concerning Virginity and Holiness
- Adversus Iudaeos de Virginitate et Sanctitate
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright)
- 19. Against the Jews, who say that they will Yet be Gathered Together
- Adversus Iudaeos qui Dicunt se Denuo Congregatum Iri
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright)
- 20. On the Support of the Poor
- De Sustentatione Egenorum
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright)
- 21. On Persecution
- De Persecutione
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright) (ET)
- 22. On Death and the End Times
- De Morte et Novissimis Temporibus
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright) (ET)
- 23. On the Grapecluster
- De Acino
- (Syriac–Parisot) (Syriac–Wright)
- 1. , “Aphrahat”, in The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage, Piscataway: Gorgias Press, 2011, pp. 24-25.
- 2. Last updated 03/14/18