A Select Library of Nicene and post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church (XIII.2): Gregory the Great, Ephraim Syrus, Aphrahat

TitleA Select Library of Nicene and post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church (XIII.2): Gregory the Great, Ephraim Syrus, Aphrahat
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1898
AuthorsGwynn, J, Barmby, J
EditorWace, H, Schaff, P
Series TitleA select library of Nicene and post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church : second series. Translated into English with prolegomena and explanatory notes
Series Volume13
Number of Pages305-341
PublisherJames Parker & Company
Publication Languageeng.
OCLC Number122691490
KeywordsBaumstark, Ephrem

Link to pp. 305-341

Citation Key3165