Bibliographical Handouts by Brock

A Note to Readers

This page attempts to reproduce the priceless set of bibliographical handouts prepared by Dr. Sebastian Brock over many years of teaching Syriac in the Oriental Institute at the University of Oxford. Dr. Brock's students have, for years, saved their handouts and constantly referred back to them, at times trading each other for more recently produced editions. We ourselves have treasured our sets of Dr. Brock's handouts and most of what we know about Syriac studies originates from his classes, his articles, and his famously generous and helpful conversations and advice. The pages we have created here on the Dumbarton Oaks website represent our attempt to share with the rest of the world the knowledge Dr. Brock has shared with us. His bibliographies offer an introduction for students to the various components of Syriac studies. We are very grateful to Dr. Brock for allowing us to put his handouts online and for providing the most recently updated versions. They are organized alphabetically below, and the date of their latest revision is given in parentheses following the title of the pages. For the most part, we have not added to or modified the bibliographies: students will still want to consult the lists of recent books and articles, organized by topic, that Dr. Brock has published in Parole de l'Orient and Hugoye. One should also be aware of the Comprehensive Bibliography on Syriac Christianity, maintained by the Center for the Study of Christianity at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Cyril Moss' invaluable Catalogue of the Syriac Printed Books and Related Literature in the British Museum should also be regularly consulted, since it still contains information that can be found nowhere else. Another resource worth keeping close at hand is The Hidden Pearl, a three-volume work which is perhaps the single best introduction available on the Syriac tradition in general. Much of the content of The Hidden Pearl came out of Dr. Brock's teaching at Oxford. Volume One, on ancient Aramaic, is essentially the "Introduction to Aramaic Studies" lectures he would offer in Michaelmas Term (see handout below). Indeed, in a world before Powerpoint, Brock would bring a copy of the first volume to class and pass it around for students to view the numerous images it contains. The Hidden Pearl is certainly one of the first places we send students who are interested in Syriac.

NB: We are very grateful to Christopher Mooney of Georgetown and Yale Universities for his assistance in preparing these bibliographies for the Syriac Resources site during Summer 2013.


ABD = Anchor Bible Dictionary (New York, 1992)

AF = Die aramaistische Forschung seit Th. Noldekes Veroffentlichungen (Rosenthal, under Aramaic Studies-->Aramaic Dialects)

AION = Annali dell'istituto universitario orientale di Napoli

AN = Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt

ArBib = J. Fitzmyer and S. Kaufman, An Aramaic Bibliography (Baltimore, 1992)

ArOr = Archiv Orientalni

BA = Biblical Archaeologist (BAR = BA Reader)

BJRL = Bulletin of the John Rylands Library

BO = Bibliotheca Orientalis

BZAW = Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die altestamentliche Wissenschaft

CAH = Cambridge Ancient History

CBQ = Catholic Biblical Quarterly

DBS = Dictionnaire de la Bible: Supplement

HAS = Hebrew and Aramaic Studies (Kutscher, under Aramaic Studies-->Aramaic Dialects)

IDB(S) = Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Supplement)

JSP = Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigraphy

JSS = Journal of Semitic Studies

KAI = Donner and Rollig, Kanaanaische und aramaische Inschriften (Wiesbaden)

MUSJ = Mélanges de l'Université Saint Joseph

NT = Novum Testamentum

OLA = Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta

OLP = Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica

RSO = Rivista degli studi orientali

SVT = Supplements to Vetus Testamentum

TRE = Theologische Realenzyklopädie

WA = A Wandering Aramean (Fitzmyer, under Aramaic Studies-->Aramaic Dialects)

WO = Welt des Orients

ZDMG = Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft


One asterisk (*) denotes the presence of a helpful bibliography.

Two asterisks (**) denote a helpful initial orientation.


Syriac Studies Introduction (2000)

Aphrahat (2000)

Aramaic Studies Introduction (1999)

Chalcedon in Syriac Perspective (2000)

St. Ephrem: A Brief Guide to the Main Editions and Translations (2012)

St. Isaac of Nineveh (2012)

Syriac Baptismal Tradition (1995)

Syriac Bible (2000)

Syriac Exegetical Tradition (2000)

Syriac Hagiography (1999)

Syriac Historical Writing (2001)

Syriac Liturgy (1996)

Syriac Manuscripts (2002)

Syriac Sasanian Period Sources (1999)

Syriac Spirituality (2012)