Alphabetical List of Open-Access Journals in Middle Eastern Studies; includes some volumes of Revue de l’Orient Chrétien, etc.
ARAM [table of contents only]
Bulletin de la Société d’Archéologie Copte
Collectanea Christiana Orientalia [online]
Journal of Eastern Christian Studies [table of contents]
Journal of Semitic Studies [table of contents]
Le Muséon [table of contents]
Maǧallat madrasat al-Iskandariyya
Melto [online]
Oriens Christianus [table of contents only]
Orientalia Christiana Analecta
Orientalia Christiana Periodica
Parole de l’Orient [online]
Conference Proceedings
S. K. Samir, ed., Actes du premier Congrès International d’Études Arabes Chrétiennes (Goslar, septembre 1980) = Orientalia Christiana Analecta 218 (Rome, 1982).
———, Actes du deuxième Congrès International d’Études Arabes Chrétiennes (Oosterhesselen, septembre 1984) = Orientalia Christiana Analecta 226 (Rome, 1986).
———, Actes du troisième Congrès International d’Études Arabes Chrétiennes (Louvain-la-Neuve, septembre 1988) = Parole de l’Orient 16 (1990-1991).
———, Actes du 4e Congrès International des Études Arabes Chrétiennes (Cambridge, septembre 1992) = Parole de l’Orient 19 (1994) [published in 1995].
———, Actes du 5e Congrès International des Études Arabes Chrétiennes (Lund, août 1996) = Parole de l’Orient 24-25 (1999-2000).
[Actes du 6e Congrès International des Études Arabes Chrétiennes (Sydney, juin 2000) – unpublished?]
———, Actes du 7e Congrès International des Études Arabes Chrétiennes (Sayyidat al-Bîr, septembre 2004) = Parole de l’Orient 30 (2005) and 32 (2007).
———, Actes du 8e Congrès International des Études Arabes Chrétiennes (Granada, septembre 2008) = Parole de l’Orient 37 (2012).
———, Actes du 9e Congrès International des Études Arabes Chrétiennes (La Valette, Malte, juillet 2012) = Parole de l’Orient 39 (2014).
———, Actes du Ium Symposium Syro-Arabicum (Kaslik, septembre 1995) = Parole de l’Orient 21-22 (1996).
———, Actes du IIum Symposium Syro-Arabicum (Sayyidat al-Bīr, septembre 1998) = Parole de l’Orient 27-28 (2002-2003).
Book Series
Biblia Arabica: Texts and Studies (Brill).
Corpus des Recherches Arabes Chrétiennes (Publications de l'USJ).
Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium: Scriptores Arabici (Peeters, 53 vols. to-date)
Eastern Christian Studies (Peeters)
Eastern Christian Texts (University of Chicago University Press)
The History of Christian-Muslim Relations (Brill)
Mawsūʿat al-maʿrifa al-masīḥiyya: al-Fikr al-ʿarabī al-masīḥī (Publications de l'USJ)
Patrimoine Arabe Chrétien (Publications de l'USJ)
Patrimonio Culturale Arabo Cristiano
Patrologia Orientalis (Brepols, older volumes downloadable here)
Textes arabes chrétiens (Geuthner)
Christian Arabic Texts Online
Agapius of Manbiǧ, Universal History (English version by Roger Pearse of Vasiliev’s French translation): Part 1 and Part 2
Arabic epitome of the Recognitions of Clement (tr. Margaret Dunlop Gibson): ET available here.
Arabic and Garšūnī versions of the legend of Hilaria (tr. A.J. Wensinck): long arabic, short arabic, short karshuni, long karshuni
Severus ibn al-Muqaffaʿ, History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic Church of Alexandria (tr. B. Evetts): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4
Yuhanna ibn Sabaʿ, Precious Pearl (extract):
Severus ibn al-Muqaffaʿ, unpublished fragment of the Book of the Councils (tr. Y. Youssef) [includes the Arabic text]: available here
Pagan prophecies about Christ, from an unpublished Garšūnī fragment (tr. A. Treiger) [includes the Garšūnī text, transliterated into Arabic letters] (note: this Garšūnī fragment has a fuller version of the text of Pagan prophecies than the one preserved in the commentary on the Creed by Abū l-Maǧdalūs): available here
Abū l-Maǧdalūs’ Commentary on the Creed (tr. Samuel Noble) [includes the Arabic text]: available here
An unpublished Garšūnī fragment with citations of the Book al-Isṭāmāsīs [Hermes’ Kitab al-Istamatis?] (tr. M.R. Zammit): ET available here
Gerasimos, Kitāb al-Kāfī fī al-Maʿnā al-šāfī (extract on Pagan prophecies about Christ) [includes the Arabic text]: available here
Apocalypse of Samuel of Qalamun (English version by Roger Pearse of J. Ziadeh’s French translation): available here
Abū l-Barakāt ibn Kabar, Catalogue (tr. A. McCollum): available here
Twenty Christian Arabic theological and philosophical treatises edited by Paul Sbath:
- Yahya ibn Adi, On the Truth of the Gospel by Way of Reasoning from Proofs, tr. S. Noble
- Yahya ibn Adi, On the Differences in the Expressions in the Gospels and their Meanings, tr. S. Noble
- Yahya ibn Adi, On our saying “and became incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary”, tr. S. Noble
- Abu al-Khayr ibn al-Tayyib, Refutation of the Muslims who accuse the Christians of Believing in Three Gods, tr. S. Noble
- Abu al-Faraj `Abdallah ibn al-Tayyib - On Knowledge and Miracles, tr. S. Noble
- Hunayn ibn Ishaq, On how to discern the truth of religion, tr. S. Davis
Useful Links
According to the website: "'Antioch: A Centre for Antiochian Orthodox Christian Studies and Research' has been established to facilitate the rediscovery of this heritage through: Translating manuscripts written in the three main languages of the Antiochian Orthodox tradition, i.e. Aramaic (Syriac), Greek and Arabic; Cataloguing these manuscripts in a fully searchable database open to all; Publishing its findings both in print and online; Supporting scholars in the field; Organising conferences."
Centre de Documentation et de Recherches Arabes Chrétiennes
CEDRAC brings together researchers from around the world and organizes seminars, conferences, and congresses in Lebanon and abroad. CEDRAC covers the Christian Arab heritage from its origins to today, including both original works and translations of religious works (theology, liturgy, apologetics, and polemics) and secular works (medicine, philosophy, and science). Particular emphasis is given to history and literature from the medieval period.
Centre de Recherche et de Publications de l’Orient Chrétien
CERPOC is a center of study (seminars, conferences, and colloquia), research (manuals, dossiers, manuscripts, bibliographies, and research projects), and publications of texts and documents on eastern Christianity. CERPOC is part of the Faculty of Religious Studies at the Université Saint-Joseph in Lebanon.
From the website: "Christians in the Middle East is an international network of scholars working on issues related to Christians in the Middle East from the late 18th century to the contemporary era. The understanding of the term ‘Middle East’ is broad, but as a general guide, includes the Arab League countries and Iran, Turkey and Israel. We are interested in both local and other Christians (including western or other missionaries, for example)." Christians in the Middle East operates an email network for the exchange of scholarly information, shares information about events, and maintains a directory of monographs and edited collections that have been published on the theme of Christians in the Middle East.
Gruppo di Ricerca Arabo-Cristiana
GRAC is an association formed by Arabists who since 1993 have been working together for the study and dissemination of the cultural heritage of Arab Christians in Italy and Europe. Formed in 1991-1992 by a group of scholars interested in the Arab world and the Christian East, it was formed as an association in 1999.
From the website: "Hugoye-list is an e-mail discussion group devoted to the academic field of Syriac studies. The list is associated with the electronic journal Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies and is sponsored by the Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute. It is intended for the use of academic scholars."
Inventory of Manuscripts of the Arabic versions of St Gregory of Nazianzus
Resources for the History of Islamic Books (a section of Dagmar Riedel’s blog, relevant to Christian Arabic Studies as well).
St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society
Editions and Translations (selection)
W. Abūllīf, ed., al-Muʾtaman ibn al-ʿAssāl, Maǧmūʿ uṣūl al-dīn wa-masmūʿ maḥṣūl al-yaqīn, 2 vols. in 4. (Cairo and Jerusalem, 1998-1999).
R. Akhrass, ed. and trans., Michel le Grand, Le Livre des Chapitres, 2 vols. (Paris, 2015).
A. Bahkou, Defending Christian Faith: The Fifth Part of the Christian Apology of Gerasimus (Berlin, 2014).
F. C. Belfour, The Travels of Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch, Written by his Attendant Archdeacon, Paul of Aleppo, in Arabic, 2 vols. (London, 1829-1836). Vol. 1; Vol. 2
G. Bos, Qusṭā ibn Lūqā’s Medical Regime for the Pilgrims to Mecca: The Risāla fī tadbīr safar al-ḥajj (Leiden and New York, 1992).
E. Braida and C. Pelissetti, Storia di Rawḥ al-Qurašī: Un discendente di Maometto che scelse di divenire cristiano (Turin, 2001).
M. Breydy, Das Annalenwek des Eutychios von Alexandrien: Ausgewählte Geschichten und Legenden kompiliert von Saʿīd ibn Baṭrīq um 935 AD (Louvain, 1985).
P. Cachia and W. M. Watt, [ps.-]Eutychius of Alexandria: The Book of Demonstration, 4 vols. (CSCO 192-193, 209-210 / Scriptores Arabici 20-23) (Louvain, 1960-1961).
W. Cureton, The Thirty-First Chapter of the Book entitled The Lamp that Guides to Salvation (London and Edinburgh, 1865) [by the Jacobite author Yaḥyā ibn Ǧarīr]. [Available here]
J. Dagher and G. Troupeau, Ibn Buṭlān: Le banquet des prêtres: une maqāma chrétienne du XIe siècle (Paris, 2004).
———, Ibn Buṭlān: Le banquet des médicines: une maqāma médicale du XIe siècle (Paris, 2008).
———, ‘Alī ibn Athradī: Réponses aux questions posées par Ibn Buṭlān dans le banquet des médicines (Paris, 2011).
O. Davydenkov, “Bulus ar-Rahib i ego tvorenija,” in N. G. Golovnina, ed., Araby-Khristiane v istorii i literature Blizhnego Vostoka (Moscow, 2013), pp. 62-149.
N. Edelby, ed., Sulaymān al-Ġazzī: šāʿir wa-kātib masīḥī min al-qarnayn al-ʿāšir wa-l-ḥādī ʿašar, 3 vols. (Jounieh, 1984-1986).
I. Feodorov, ed. and trans., Dimitrie Cantemir, The Salvation of the Wise Man and the Ruin of the Sinful World / Ṣalāḥ al-ḥakīm wa-fasād al-ʿālam al-ḏamīm (Bucharest, 2006). Revised and expanded in I. Feodorov, Y. I. Petrova, and V. Cândea, Dimitrie Cantemir, Salvation of the Sage and Ruin of the Sinful World (Leiden, 2016).
———, ed. and trans., Paul din Alep, Jurnal de călătorie în Moldova și Valahia [Paul of Aleppo, Travel Notes from Moldavia and Wallachia] (Bucharest, 2014).
M. Gallo, Palestinese anonimo: Omelia arabo-cristiana dell’VIII secolo (Rome, 1994).
G. Graf, Die arabischen Schriften des Theodor Abu Qurra Bischofs von Harran (ca. 740-820): Literarhistorische Untersuchungen und Übersetzung (Paderborn, 1910). [Available here]
———, Die Schriften des Jacobiten Ḥabīb ibn Ḫidma Abū Rāʾiṭa (Louvain, 1951).
J. Grand’Henry, ed., “La version arabe du Discours 24 de Grégoire de Nazianze: Édition critique, commentaires et traduction,” in B. Coulie, ed., Versiones orientales, repertorium ibericum et studia ad editiones curandas (Turnhout, 1988), pp. 197-291.
———, ed., Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera: Versio arabica antiqua, I: Oratio XXI (arab. 20) (Turnhout, 1996).
———, ed., Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera: Versio arabica antiqua, III: Oratio XL (arab. 4) (Turnhout, 2005).
———, ed., Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera: Versio arabica antiqua, IV: Orationes XI, XLI (arab. 8, 12) (Turnhout, 2013).
S. H. Griffith, A Treatise on the Veneration of the Holy Icons Written in Arabic by Theodore Abū Qurrah, Bishop of Harrān (c. 755-c. 830 A.D.) (Louvain, 1997).
R. Gvaramia, ed., Al-Bustān, po sinajskoj rukopisi X veka (Tbilisi, 1965).
Amoniosis “Sina-Raitʿis cmida mamatʿa mosrvis” arabul-kʿartʿuli versiebi: IX-XI, XIII da XVII ss. xelnacerebis mixedvitʿ (Tbilisi, 1973).
Review: M. van Esbroeck, Bedi Kartlisa 32 (1974): 299-302.
M. Haji-Athanasiou, “Agathon de Homs: Exposé sur la foi et sur le mystère du sacerdoce,” 2 vols., PhD diss. Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven, 1975.
R. R. Khawam, Dialogues Œcuméniques de Guérison suivi de Traité sur la Sainte Trinité (Paris, 1996).
P. Khoury, Paul d’Antioche: évêque de Sidon (XIIe s.) (Beirut, 1964); 2nd ed.: Paul d’Antioche: Traités théologiques (Würzburg, 1994).
I. Kratchkovsky and A. Vasiliev, Histoire de Yaḥyā ibn Saʿīd d’Antioche, continuateur de Saʿïd-ibn-Bitriq (Patrologia Orientalis 18.5, 23.3) (Paris, 1924-1932).
I. Kratchkovsky, F. Micheau, and G. Troupeau, Histoire de Yaḥyā ibn Saʿīd d’Antioche [iii] (Patrologia Orientalis 47.4) (Turnhout, 1997).
J. C. Lamoreaux, The Life of Stephen of Mar Sabas, 2 vols. (CSCO 578-579 / Scriptores Arabici 50-51) (Louvain, 1999).
———, Theodore Abu Qurrah (Provo, 2005).
P. La Spisa, ed. and trans., I trattati teologici di Sulaymān Ibn Ḥasan al-Ġazzi, 2 vols. (CSCO 648-649 / Scriptores Arabici 52 and 59) (Louvain, 2013).
G. B. Marcuzzo, Le dialogue d’Abraham de Tibériade avec ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Hāšimī à Jérusalem vers 820 (Rome, 1986).
S. Moiseeva, “Zhitie antiokhijskogo patriarkha Khristofora,” in N. G. Golovnina, ed., Araby-Khristiane v istorii i literature Blizhnego Vostoka (Moscow, 2013), pp. 6-61.
G. A. Murkos, Puteshestvie antiokhijskogo patriarkha Makarija v Rossiju v polovine XVII veka, opisannoe ego synom, arkhidiakonom Pavlom Aleppskim (Moscow, 2005).
W. Nasry, The Caliph and the Bishop: A 9th Century Muslim-Christian Debate: Al-Maʾmūn and Abū Qurrah (Beirut, 2008).
N. A. Newman, The Early Christian-Muslim Dialogue: A Collection of Documents from the First Three Islamic Centuries (632-900 A.D.) (Hatfield, 1993).
S. Noble and A. Treiger, eds., The Orthodox Church in the Arab World (700-1700): An Anthology of Sources, foreword by Metropolitan Ephrem Kyriakos (DeKalb, 2014).
S. N. Noseda and P. F. Fumagalli, eds., Arabic Homilies on the Nativity (Milan, 2000).
J. Pahlitzsch, Der arabische Procheiros Nomos: Untersuchung und Edition der Übersetzung eines byzantinischen Rechtstextes [forthcoming].
B. Pirone, Eutichio, patriarca di Alessandria: Gli Annali (Cairo, 1987).
———, trans., al-Muʾtaman ibn al-ʿAssāl: Summa dei principi della Religione, 2 vols. (Cairo and Jerusalem, 1998-2002).
———, Yaḥyā al-Anṭākī. Chronache dell’Egitto fatimide e dell’impero bizantino (937–1033) (Milan, 1998).
P. Pizzi, Teodoro Abu Qurrah, La difesa delle icone: trattato sulla venerazione delle immagini (Milan, 1995).
P. Pizzi and S. K. Samir, Teodoro Abu Qurra, La libertà (Turin, 2001).
B. Radu, Voyage du Patriarche Macaire d’Antioche: Texte arabe et traduction française (Patrologia Orientalis 22.1, 24.4, 26.5) (Paris, 1930-1949).
S. K. Samir, ed., Miṣbāḥ al-ẓulma fī īḍāḥ al-ḫidma [au: Abū l-Barakāt Ibn Kabar] (Cairo, 1971).
S. K. Samir and P. Nwyia, Une correspondance islamo-chrétienne entre Ibn al-Munaǧǧim, Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq et Qusṭā ibn Lūqā (Patrologia Orientalis 40.4) (Turnhout, 1981).
G. Troupeau and J. Dagher, Qusṭā ibn Lūqā al-Baʿlabakkī, Épître sur la différence entre l’esprit et l’âme (Paris, 2011).
L. Tuerlinckx, ed., Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera: Versio arabica antiqua, II: Orationes I, XLV, XLIV (arab. 9, 10, 11) (Turnhout, 2001).
A. Vasiliev, Kitab al-ʿUnvan, Histoire universelle, écrite par Agapius (Mahboub) de Menbidj, 2 parts in 4 fascicles (Patrologia Orientalis 5.4, 7.4, 8.3, 11.1) (Paris, 1910-1915).
H. Zayat, “Vie du patriarche melkite d’Antioche Christophore (d. 967) par le protospathaire Ibrahîm b. Yuhanna: Document inédit du Xe siècle,” Proche-Orient Chrétien 2 (1952): 11-38, 333-366.
I. Zilio-Grandi and S. K. Samir, Una corrispondenza islamo-cristiana sull’origine divina dell’Islam (Turin, 2003).
Studies (selection)
W. A[būllīf], Dirāsa ʿan al-Muʾtaman ibn al-ʿAssāl wa-kitābihī “Maǧmūʿ uṣūl al-dīn” wa-taḥqīqihi (Cairo and Jerusalem, 1997).
N. G. Awad, Orthodoxy in Arabic Terms: A Study of Theodore Abu Qurrah’s Theology in Its Islamic Context (Berlin & Boston, 2015).
D. Bertaina, Christian and Muslim Dialogues: The Religious Uses of a Literary Form in the Early Islamic Middle East (Piscataway, 2011).
T. Bīṭār, al-Qiddīsūn al-Mansiyyūn fī al-Turāṯ al-Anṭākī [Forgotten Saints in the Antiochian Tradition] (Beirut, 1995).
C. Charon (Korolevsky), History of the Melkite Patriarchates, trans. N. Samra, 3 vols. (Fairfax, 1998-2001).
K. Cragg, The Arab Christian: A History in the Middle East (Louisville, 1991).
J. B. Darblade, La collection canonique arabe des Melkites (XIIIe-XVIIe siècles): Introduction (Harissa, 1946).
S. J. Davis, Coptic Christology in Practice: Incarnation and Divine Participation in Late Antique and Medieval Egypt (Oxford, 2008).
A.-M. de la Croix, Icônes arabes: Mystères d’orient (Méolans-Revel, 2006).
I. Dick, Melkites: Greek Orthodox and Greek Catholics of the Patriarchates of Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalem, trans. N. Samra (Roslindale, 2004).
A. Ducellier, Chrétiens d’Orient et Islam au Moyen Age: VIIe-XVe siècle (Paris, 1996).
R. Ebied and H. Teule, eds., Studies on the Christian Arabic Heritage: In Honour of Father Prof. Dr. Samir Khalil Samir S.I. at the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday (Leuven, 2004).
A. Elli, Storia della chiesa copta, 3 vols. (Cairo and Jerusalem, 2003).
A. Fattal, Le statut légal des non-musulmans en pays d’Islam (Beirut, 1995).
I. Feodorov, ed., Macaire III Ibn al-Zaʿīm et Paul d’Alep: Relations entre les peuples de l’Europe Orientale et les chrétiens arabes au XVIIe siècle (Actes du Ier colloque international, le 16 septembre 2011) (Bucharest, 2012).
G. Fisher, ed., Arabs and Empires before Islam (Oxford, 2015).
———, Between Empires: Arabs, Romans, and Sasanians in Late Antiquity (Oxford, 2011).
M. Gervers and R. J. Bikhazi, eds., Conversion and Continuity: Indigenous Christian Communities in Islamic Lands, Eighth to Eighteenth Centuries (Toronto, 1990).
M. Gil, A History of Palestine, 634-1099 (Cambridge, 1992).
N. G. Golovnina, ed., Araby-Khristiane v istorii i literature Blizhnego Vostoka (Moscow, 2013).
G. Graf, Christlicher Orient und schwäbische Heimat: Kleine Schriften, anlässlich des 50. Todestags des Verfassers, ed. H. Kaufhold, 2 vols. (Beirut / Würzburg, 2005).
S. H. Griffith, Arabic Christianity in the Monasteries of Ninth Century Palestine (Aldershot, 1992).
———, The Beginnings of Christian Theology in Arabic: Muslim-Christian Encounters in the Early Islamic Period (Aldershot, 2002).
———, The Church in the Shadow of the Mosque: Christians and Muslims in the World of Islam (Princeton, 2008).
———, The Bible in Arabic: The Scriptures of the “People of the Book” in the Language of Islam (Princeton, 2013).
E. Grypeou, M. Swanson, and D. Thomas, eds., The Encounter of Eastern Christianity with Early Islam (Leiden, 2006).
R. Haddad, La Trinité divine chez les théologiens arabes, 750-1050 (Paris, 1985).
———, Syrian Christians in Muslim Society: An Interpretation (Princeton, 1970).
W. Hage, Das orientalische Christentum (Stuttgart, 2007).
T. Hainthaler, Christliche Araber vor dem Islam. Verbreitung und konfessionelle Zugehörigkeit: eine Hinführung (Leuven, 2007).
B. Heyberger, Les chrétiens du Proche-Orient au temps de la Réforme catholique (Syrie, Liban, Palestine, XVIe-XVIIIe siècle) (Rome, 1994).
R. Hoyland, Seeing Islam as Others Saw It: A Survey and Evaluation of Christian, Jewish, and Zoroastrian Writings on Early Islam (Princeton, 1997).
H. Kachouh, “The Arabic Versions of the Gospels: A Case Study of John 1.1 and 1.18,” in D. Thomas, ed., The Bible in Arab Christianity (Leiden, 2007), pp. 9-35.
———, The Arabic Versions of the Gospels: The Manuscripts and Their Families (Berlin, 2012).
S. T. Keating, Defending the “People of Truth” in the Early Islamic Period: The Christian Apologies of Abū Rāʾiṭah (Leiden, 2006).
S. Khoury and N. Khoury, A Survey of the History of the Orthodox Church of Jerusalem (Amman, 2002).
M. Levy-Rubin, Non-Muslims in the Early Islamic Empire: From Surrender to Coexistence (Cambridge, 2011).
B. Masters, Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Arab World: The Roots of Sectarianism (Cambridge, 2001).
M. Moosa, The Maronites in History (Piscataway, 2005).
J. Pahlitzsch, Graeci und Suriani im Palästina der Kreuzfahrerzeit: Beiträge und Quellen zur Geschichte des griechisch-orthodoxen Patriarchats von Jerusalem (Berlin, 2001).
C. Panchenko, Blizhnevostochnoe Pravoslavie pod Osmanskim vladychestvom: Pervye tri stoletija (1516-1831) (Moscow, 2012). English translation: Arab Orthodox Christians under the Ottomans: 1516-1831, forward his Beatitude Patriarch John X of Antioch and all the East, trans. B. P. Noble and S. Noble (Jordanville, 2016).
———, Pravoslavnye araby: Put’ cherez veka (Moscow, 2013).
J. Patrich, ed., The Sabaite Heritage in the Orthodox Church from the Fifth Century to the Present (Leuven, 2001).
O. Peri, Christianity under Islam in Jerusalem: The Question of the Holy Sites in Early Ottoman Times (Leiden, 2001).
V. V. Polosin, N. I. Serikoff, and S. A. Frantsuzov, The Arabic Psalter: A Supplement to the Facsimile Edition of Manuscript A187 “The Petersburg Arabic Illuminated Psalter” (St Petersburg, 2005).
A. Rabbath, Documents inédits pour servir à l’histoire du christianisme en Orient, 2 vols. (Paris, 1905-1911; reprint: New York, 1973). Vol. 1; Vol. 2
A. Rustum, Kanīsat Madīnat Allāh Anṭākiya al-ʿUẓmā [The Church of the City of God, the Great Antioch], 3 vols. (Beirut, 1988).
S. K. Samir, Foi et culture en Irak au XIe siècle: Élie de Nisibe et l’islam (Aldershot, 1996).
———, “La tradition arabe chrétienne: État de la question, problèmes et besoins,” in S. K. Samir, ed., Actes du premier congrès international d’études arabes chrétiennes (Goslar, septembre 1980) (Rome, 1982), pp. 19-120.
S. K. Samir and J. S. Nielsen, eds., Christian Arabic Apologetics during the Abbasid Period (750–1258) (Leiden, 1994).
J.-M. Sauget, Premières recherches sur l’origine et les chractéristiques des synaxaires melkites (XIe–XVIIe siècles) (Brussels, 1969).
———, Le Paterikon arabe de la Bibliothèque Ambrosienne de Milan L 120 Sup. (SP II.161) (Rome, 1989).
———, Littératures et manuscrits des chrétientés syriaques et arabes (Città del Vaticano, 1998).
I. Shahid, Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth Century (Washington, D.C., 1984).
———, Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fifth Century (Washington D.C., 1989).
———, Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century, 3 vols. (Washington, D.C., 1995–2010).
M. Sharon, Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum Palaestinae (Leiden, 1997- [in progress; 5 vols. to-date]).
A. Y. Sidarus, Ibn ar-Rahibs Leben und Werk: Ein koptisch-arabischer Enzyklopädist des 7./13. Jahrhunderts (Freiburg im Br., 1975).
U. Simonsohn, A Common Justice: The Legal Allegiances of Christians and Jews under Early Islam (Philadelphia, 2011).
E. Skaff, The Place of the Patriarchs of Antioch in Church History (Newton, 1993).
M. N. Swanson, The Coptic Papacy in Islamic Egypt (641-1517) (Popes of Egypt 2) (Cairo, 2010).
D. Thomas, ed., Syrian Christians under Islam: The First Thousand Years (Leiden, 2001).
———, ed., Christians at the Heart of Islamic Rule: Church Life and Scholarship in ʿAbbasid Iraq (Leiden, 2003).
———, ed., The Bible in Arab Christianity (Leiden, 2007).
D. Thomas, “Arab Christianity,” in K. Parry, ed., The Blackwell Companion to Eastern Christianity (Malden, 2010), pp. 1-22.
K.-P. Todt, “Region und griechisch-orthodoxes Patriarchat von Antiocheia in mittelbyzantinischer Zeit,” Byzantinische Zeitschrift 94 (2001): 239-267.
K.-P. Todt, “Griechisch-Orthodoxe (Melkitische) Christen im zentralen und südlichen Syrien: Die Periode von der arabischen Eroberung bis zur Verlegung der Patriarchenresidenz nach Damaskus (635-1365),” Le Muséon 119.1-2 (2006): 33-88.
A. Treiger, “The Arabic [Christian] Tradition,” in A. Casiday, ed., The Orthodox Christian World (London, 2012), pp. 89-104.
———, “Christian Graeco-Arabica: Prolegomena to a History of the Arabic Translations of the Greek Church Fathers,” Intellectual History of the Islamicate World 3 (2015): 188-227.
A. S. Tritton, The Caliphs and Their Non-Muslim Subjects: A Critical Study of the Covenant of ʿUmar (London, 1930).
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