Isaac of Antioch

Isaac of Antioch, priest and spiritual writer, served the church in the latter half of the 5th century. He arrived in Antioch during the time of Peter the Fuller (ca. 471-488) and entered the debate over the Triasagion.1 For further information on his life and works, visit A Comprehensive Bibliography on Syriac Christianity and utilize the key word search to find Isaac of Antioch. The results can be found here.


Isaac's works contain a corpus problem: quite often the works of Isaac of Amid (4-5th cent), Isaac of Antioch (5th cent) and Isaac of Edessa (6th cent) were conflated in the reception history. This was already recognized in letter 14 of Jacob of Edessa to John of Litarba (John the Stylite). The note can be found in Wright's catalogue (here).2 For more information on the problem of the corpus of Isaac, see E. G. Mathews, Jr., A Bibliographical Clavis to the Corpus of Works Attributed to Isaac of Antioch, Hugoye, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 3-14, 2002..

Works Cited

List of Digitized Manuscripts Containing Isaac of Antioch


The most updated list of the works attribued to St. Isaac of Antioch is collected in E. G. Mathews, Jr., The Works Attributed to Isaac of Antioch: A[nother] Preliminary Checklist, Hugoye, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 51-76, 2009.. This list provides 185 Memre and 19 Madrashe of which a good portion remain unedited. The works of Isaac have been edited in the following locations:


*N.B. Unedited homilies not freely available online have not been included below, but can be found in the checklist edited by Mathews, Jr. The list below will includes an entry in the following order: 1) homily title, 2) incipit, and 3) any excerpts or editions.


(Number and Title Follow the Checklist of Mathews, Jr.)


(Number and Title Follow the Checklist of Mathews, Jr.)

*N.B. Unedited homilies not freely available online have not been included below, but can be found in the checklist edited by Mathews, Jr. The list below will include the homily title, incipit and any excerpts or edition


  • 1. Against Those who Receive the Eucharist only after Long Intervals

  • 2. Against Those who Receive the Eucharist only after Long Intervals

  • 3. Against Those who Receive the Eucharist only after Long Intervals

  • 4. Against Those who Receive the Eucharist only after Long Intervals

  • 5. Against Those who Receive the Eucharist only after Long Intervals

  • 7. Against Those who Receive the Eucharist only after Long Intervals

  • 8. Against Those who Receive the Eucharist only after Long Intervals

  • 9. Against Those who Receive the Eucharist only after Long Intervals

  • 10. Against Those who Receive the Eucharist only after Long Intervals

  • 11. Against Those who Receive the Eucharist only after Long Intervals

  • 13. Against Those who Receive the Eucharist only after Long Intervals

  • 14. Against Those who Receive the Eucharist only after Long Intervals

  • 15. Against Those who Receive the Eucharist only after Long Intervals

  • 16. Against Those who Receive the Eucharist only after Long Intervals

  • 17. Against Those who Receive the Eucharist only after Long Intervals

  • 19. Against Those who Receive the Eucharist only after Long Intervals